818 The Sign is committed to providing passionate worship gatherings focusing on encountering God’s presence, love and power. 818 is calling for a generation to embrace their spiritual identity through intimacy with Jesus. Our desire is to raise up a new generation of prophetic leaders by training them not only in the gifts of the spirit, but also in biblical righteousness and justice to tackle the issues facing the hour in which we live. We are putting out a summons for a remnant that is not only hungry for God’s power through signs and wonders, but also want to become a sign and wonder.
WHY 818?
“818” the movement began as a dream in the heart of Will and Dehavilland Ford. God highlighted the biblical passage of Isaiah 8:18 to Will, regarding Isaiah’s family becoming a sign to the nation
We believe God is raising up a passionate united remnant that have turned their hearts to Jesus. They have become redemptive signs that are responding to their brothers and sisters in crisis, and are turning their families, communities, and nation around.
The vision of 818 is to gather this diverse yet united remnant in prayer, worship, and proclamation to contend for a revival that transforms the inner cities and the suburbs, infuses hope in the heartland, heals of the racial divide, and awakens America.